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Here’s How to Boost the Curb Appeal of Your Garage Door

Boosting Residential Garage Doors’ Curb Appeal

Many people nowadays live in snout houses, which are homes wherein the residential garage doors take up most of the frontage. If you’re one of these folks, you’ll have no choice but to take your garage door into account when planning your property’s curb appeal. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to beautify your garage door and ensure that it can make your home look more elegant from the street. We’ve listed some of the steps you can take below:

Update the paint

When was the last time you had your garage door repainted? If you can’t remember when, or if it was many years ago, it’s probably the right time to update its paint. Just make sure to choose the right color; neutral tones work best for residential garage doors since add an elegant touch without making the doors stand out like a sore thumb.

Invest in accessories

Another way to spice up your garage door is to install eye-catching accessories like intricate bronze door handles and frosted windows. You can even add vertical and horizontal relief patterns to add depth and texture to your door. You can ask your garage door repair expert for advice on the best accessories to use.

Install lighting

Outdoor light fixtures can brighten up your garage door and make them look more attractive, particularly at night. You can purchase a couple of exterior wall sconces and install one at each side of your garage door. See to it that the size and shape of the sconces match the design of the door; sleek, minimalist lighting, for example, is an excellent option for a modern garage door with clean, straight lines.Take these steps to improve the look and feel of your garage door and enhance its curb appeal! If you need more advice, or if you need assistance with repairs and installation, get in touch with DW Repair Service Inc.. We’re based in Killeen, TX and offer professional garage door installation and repair services. Call us today at (254) 221-6657!

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